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Specialized Dockets
500 South Denver, Tulsa OK 74103 | Phone: (918) 596-5000
Copyright 2019 Tulsa County District Court. All rights reserved.
Child Support Contempt Docket
- This docket assists families in collecting child support payments;
- Is a last stop docket designed to address failure to pay.
Day: Friday
Time: 9:00am
Courtroom: 605
Judge: Deborrah Ludi Leitch
Parenting Plan Conference Docket
- First court appearance for all Dissolution of Marriage, Legal
Separation, or Paternity cases with minor children;
- Parents learn the possible reactions their children may experience
during the separation or divorce;
- Establish Temporary Orders;
- Create a parenting plan; and
- Compute child support.
Pro Se Litigants: Parties with no attorneys on either side will meet with the Family Resource Coordinator, Steven Amend, at the end of the docket.
Forms: DHS Child Support Computation Spreadsheet Temporary Order Agreement Form Temporary Order Financial Declaration Form PPC Attestation Form
Days: Wednesday, Thursday
Time: 9:30 am & 10:30 am
Courtroom: 605
Judge: Deborrah Ludi Leitch
Resource Coordinator: Steven Amend
The Tulsa County Family Court program consists of two (2) specialized dockets that allow us to provide the
necessary services and resources to families and to facilitate timely case processing.
Below is a brief description of the Child Support Contempt docket and the Parenting Plan Conference
docket, the schedule and location of each docket, and any forms or instructions associated with these dockets.
FD Docket F
Judge Deborrah Ludi Leitch
Judge Deborrah Ludi Leitch
Clerk: Kacharra Mansker
Bailiff: Samantha Boen
Phone: (918) 596-5330
Phone: (918) 596-5332
Phone: (918) 596-5333